Braydon Szafranski & Neen Williams: Cheeks, Face Tats, Heelflips & more! Weekend Buzz ep. 22
Braydon Szafranski & Neen Williams: Cheeks, Face Tats, Heelflips & more! Weekend Buzz ep. 22 -Weekend Buzz: Every Friday on Ride Channel- This week, Braydon Szafranski and Neen Williams stopped by and Neen drank all our Jager, crushed on Erica and filled us in on "cheeks" and "Zero Sundays, while Braydon discovered that he has some Internet haters, dropped in on Tony Hawk's vert ramp, explained what it's like to have your cell phone number show up in a Baker ad, the pros and cons of a bat face tattoo and more! Follow us on Instagram @neenobrown @braydonsza @EricaYary @RobertBrink Studio photography by Miki Vuckovich Share a drink and a few laughs with Rob Brink and Erica Yary as they interrogate your favorite pros for their opinions on the latest skate industry news, gossip and high jinx. Send your questions for Rob & Erica to Subscribe to Ride: instagram @ridechannel