Skateboarding videos
ERGO Proudly Welcomes Dan Drehobl
ERGO is pleased to welcome a man of wealth and taste. A man whose likeness graced the covers of three out of four skate mags in one month. A man who can cook one hell of a sausage and sees absolutely no shame in treating himself to a pickle. A man amongst the select few skaters to ever execute a "Fall Guy", and whose "Spiderman" nickname leaves comic book enthusiasts wondering why they are too fat to land a kickflip. A man known to spend entire nights in the smoking room at the Hemlock alone. And quite possibly the only skater to ever pull of a Neil Diamond song, matching the soft riffs of guitar and sweet hum of Neil's voice with some damn fine skating. The man who was once named "Best Tranny" by Transworld Skateboarding, ERGO is pleased to welcome Mr. Dan Drehobl. ERGOTags: ERGO, Dan Drehobl, Skate, Skateboarding, clothing, china banks, video and skater
Posted by: ERGO