Skateboarding videos
Hometown Heroes Skate: Kansas City 2011
Hometown Heroes Skate: Kansas City 2011 The Kansas City Hometown event went off in a massive way with the help of local supporting shop Escapist. Sean Malto also showed up to the event in support of homies like Tyshaun Johnson, Shaun McKay and Weston Sparks. Upon entry to the park, you see that there is most definitely something amiss here at Kansas City's Penn Valley Skatepark. Although the enclosed area to support the park seemed like ample space, there was a huge grass section where more cement should have been. The inconsistency of the cement to grass ratio didn't effect the skaters who came out to shred the Hometown Heroes event. We rocked the format in a jam that modeled an epic three act play. 1) The introduction, in which characters are developed and the stage is set for what rawness is to follow. 2) The arc of action, in which the drama intensifies and the the stakes are raised. 3) The finale, where a victor emerges and celebration ensues. Act 1 took place on the euro gap section where dudes killed all kinds of bigflips, switch treflips and mad bump-to-picnic table action. Act 2 happened on the hip and out rail where we saw rad kickflip front boards, salad grinds and an alleyoop bigger flip th