Skateboarding videos
Seek & Deploy: John Dilorenzo
Seek & Deploy: John Dilorenzo Please subscribe for weekly videos! Name: John Dilorenzo Age: 18 Email: John Dilorenzo recently had a part in Mike Glovers video "Florida Daze" . Purchase your copy here! Seek & Deploy is a series of raw footage from un-known skateboarders who deserve to get some attention for their talent. There are so many good kids out there that don't get a chance to show their ability to a wide audience and that's what i'm trying to provide for them. It's up to you guys, the viewers, to subscribe and share these videos to make them a big deal. So please share with your friends if you're stoked on this footage. Who knows what companies could come across it and end up hooking a kid up. -josiah To submit footage email:
Posted by: Josiah Gatlyn