Skateboarding videos
KITSCH Skateboards Company Profile late 2008
This is a video i filmed & edited in late 2008 it's a little bit of the history and where Kitsch Skateboards is at as a company. Some things have changed for Kitsch overtime like we no longer have the following two riders on the team anymore but are still good friends of kitsch,Kyle Desaulniers & Arron Johnson but we have added a new team rider since then. things are going great for Kitsch and we are still filming and having fun with the whole process. Stay Tuned @ It was a main feature on here is the direct link to their Jordan MayfieldTags: Kitschskateboards, geoff dermer,, skateboarding, mayfield, Jordan mayfield, Bails, HD Video, Hd skateboarding, kitsch company profile, vimeo, Stacy Gabreil, Mike Hastie, Sean MacAlister and Cory Wilso