éS Game of SKATE with Sewa Kroetkov
The éS Game of SKATE and the simple rules of the game were created in 2003 by the éS Team. There are imitators, but the éS Game of SKATE is the original. Sewa Kroetkov from The Netherlands is the absolute Game of Skate master. He has won multiple éS Game of Skates, including two European finals and one international final in the USA. In this video Sewa talks about his weaknesses, where he’s good at and what he likes best about the éS Game of SKATE. Make sure you have fun skating with your friends or local crew during one of the events that take place in Europe. You can find dates and locations on the Facebook event page (updated regularly): facebook.com/​event.php?eid=121303011290393Cast: éS EuropeTags: éS, Game of SKATE, Sewa Kroetkov, skateboard, blind and lrg