Skateistan presents...Marzia
Skateistan presents...Faisal!
Skateistan presents...Walid!
Skateistan presents...Saeeda!
Skateistan presents...Merza!
Skateistan presents...Freshta!
Skateistan present...Farzad!
Skateistan presents...Farid!
Skateistan presents...Belqisa!
Only a few days left to donate to our Skate School 5: Bamyan, fundraising campaign!
Skate School 5: Bamyan - take a virtual tour of the skatepark!
Skate School 5: The Journey to Bamyan
Bamyan shredders: Meet Shabnam
Bamyan shredders: Meet Shoaib
Skate School 5: Construction continues on Skateistan Bamyan: July 2020
Skate School 5: Building in Bamyan: August 2020
Bamyan shredders: Meet Zainab
Skate School 5: Bamyan: Construction continues in August 2020
Skate School 5: Outreach session in Bamyan: Girls skate!
Skate School 5: Bamyan: July 2020
Skate School 5: Girls skate in Bamyan
Bamyan shredders: Meet Ehsan
Skate School 5: Flying into Bamyan
Skateistan at the Marathon of Afghanistan